Collin Graham

Search Operations Coordinator


Collin is like a navigator, charting the course to recruitment success.

Meet Collin Graham

Collin’s professional journey began as an Admissions Advisor for a data analytics company, but he quickly realized his true passion lay in working behind the scenes to create meaningful change. After realizing his desire to make an impact on people’s lives, Collin made the move to the Research Associate position at Protis Global. Collin’s love of teamwork and collaboration makes him a natural fit for the Search Operations team. His dedication and hard work have led him to his current role as Search Operations Coordinator.

Recruitment is Collin’s ocean, where he uses his expertise to steer the ship toward the perfect candidate for the job. At Protis Global, he’s found the perfect place to put his skills to work, surrounded by colleagues who share his drive to make a difference in people’s lives. So, what sets Collin apart from the rest of the recruitment world? It’s his unwavering focus on the end goal, navigating through the waves and storms to reach the perfect destination. Like a skilled navigator, he always keeps his eye on the horizon and adjusts his course as needed to reach his destination.

And when he’s not busy charting the course to recruitment success, Collin can be found exploring new cultures and ideas, or kicking back and enjoying a basketball game. Collin graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a minor in Sports Business Management.

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