Mike Bitar Talks Company Culture with MRINetwork

Recently, Partner and Managing Director, Mike Bitar, shared his expertise pertaining to company culture for MRINetwork on a video series called MRI Minute.

After almost 2 decades in the business and hundreds of thousands of interactions with professionals working all types of environments and cultures, Mike is just the guy to advise companies on the benefits of positive company culture as well as how to establish, build, and maintain this culture. 

We decided to jot down some of our biggest takeaways and points to remember from this video!

  • First and foremost, define what a great culture means to you. What is inside of you that you want to make sure is emanated throughout your office and your business from a cultural standpoint.
  • When building culture, it has to be genuine and has to come from a place that is consistent with how your organization behaves authentically.
  • When you are establishing your company’s culture, begin with your team exploring what makes you unique in the marketplace and what makes you unique inside of the four walls of your organization?
  • Ask yourself, “what are you trying to accomplish as an organization and culturally, do your behaviors align with that vision? Is it clear to your organization and have you communicated all aspects of the vision to your team?”
  • Answer “What makes you unique in the marketplace and what makes you unique inside of the four walls of your organization?” 
  • Check yourself and understand who your organization actually is on a day to day basis. If you understand who you are you are not trying to emulate another culture, it will be pretty easy to have a culture defined by your organization because it’s consistent.
  • Lastly, make sure you’re grateful to the people in your organization and that they feel that. 

How do you convey the culture to potential team members? That’s where employer branding comes in! 

Sometimes your company culture’s success is dependent on closing the gap between expectation and reality for candidates. In order to achieve a successful employer brand, you have to have clear messaging and branding so candidates are aware of exactly what type of environment they will be working in. It’s about authenticity not overselling or overhyping.

The truth is, you are trying to convey what type of candidate thrives in your environment.

You are also trying to establish what type of person may not be as likely to thrive in your environment. It is better to let this be known now rather than have a candidate find out a few days into a new role. This is how time, money, and efforts become wasted on high employee turnover and increased HR and TA efforts. As a people solutions firm, we see this too often. This is when they call us. We believe if we were consulted in the beginning on the search we would have been able to clarify this messaging from the beginning. 

Do you think your company could benefit from refining your company’s culture and cultural perception? That’s part of what we do as a people solutions firm! Reach out to Michael Bitar at [email protected] to start a conversation about how we can help you optimize your company’s day today! For the full video click here!

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