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Invest in Food Industry Talent | Alec Bitar Insights

Written by Alec Bitar | Aug 24, 2023 9:51:00 AM

Many food companies holding back in uncertain times, yet those willing to foster and find top talent can capture greater market share. Amidst a talent shortage, this could be the catalyst for business growth. Alec Bitar, Director of Client and Talent Experience, shares why it is important to strategically hire, even in times of uncertainty:

Reduced Competition - In uncertain times, companies are cautious and tend to hire only out of necessity, resulting in less competition for talent.

Opportunity for Market Expansion - With a slowdown in overall company spending, there's an opportunity for savvy businesses to gain market share.

Skill Gap - The food industry is undergoing transformation, leading to a skill gap and talent shortage. Investing in talent now can help bridge this gap and position a business for success.