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Winning Over Top Talent: Creating a Memorable Candidate Experience - Protis Global

Written by Bert Miller | May 8, 2023 11:45:07 AM

Even today, it remains a highly competitive job market, and recruiting top talent can be a daunting task for companies. 

With the latest news of large corporations – especially tech – going through massive layoffs, it might seem like employers hold all the cards. However, the reality is that the best candidates, or as we refer to them individuals, in any industry are always in high demand, and their expectations and standards are only increasing due to market changes. 

To attract and retain top talent, companies need to offer a white-glove hiring experience. As someone who has been in the executive recruitment industry for almost 30 years, I’ve seen firsthand how intangible considerations can make all the difference in winning over a candidate. 

Imagine you’re a talent scout for a major record label, and you’re courting the next big music star who just finished a sold-out tour. You would treat the artist with exceptional care and attention, going above and beyond to make their experience with your label memorable. This would include a personalized tour of your state-of-the-art recording studio, arranging meetings with key executives, and providing them with an opportunity to connect with other successful artists on your label. You would be part of the experience, personally guiding them through the process, rather than delegating it to one of your assistants or A&R reps. 

In this blog post, I’ll explore some timeless tips for creating a “white glove” hiring experience that can set your company apart from the competition and make a lasting impression on candidates. It all starts with treating your candidates the way you treat your team members, showcasing your company culture, and providing an outstanding candidate experience that makes them want to join your team.

1. Take care of all costs up-front 

When inviting a candidate to your company’s HQ, make sure to take care of all necessary costs up-front. This includes flights, hotels, and any other travel expenses. By eliminating the need for candidates to open their wallets, you can make them feel well looked after and appreciated.

2. Provide a personalized package overview 

Create a personalized package for each candidate that outlines what they can expect during their visit. This should include a detailed timeline, travel information, hotel accommodation, and an overview of the interviews they will be participating in.

3. Pre-check them into their hotel and provide branded gifts 

Ensure that your candidate’s hotel accommodations are ready and pre-checked before their arrival. Consider providing branded gifts, such as company swag or an appropriate product, for them to enjoy during their stay.

4. Meet them for breakfast on the first day 

On the first day of their visit, meet your candidate for breakfast to review the meeting agenda and introduce them to a designated point person who will accompany them to each interview. 

5. Provide access to a private room for working between interviews 

During their visit, provide candidates with access to a private room where they can work between interviews. This can be a quiet space where they can check their email, make follow up calls, gather their thoughts and prepare for the next interview. 

6. Plan coffee breaks and lunches into their agenda 

Include coffee breaks and lunches in their agenda and check for any dietary preferences ahead of time. 

 7. Cater the interview process to their needs 

Ask candidates what they need to get out of the process and structure interviews accordingly. This will help ensure that both you and the candidate are getting what you need from the process. 

 8. Plan questions carefully to avoid duplications 

Carefully plan questions to avoid duplications across interview stages/meetings. This will help ensure that candidates are not answering the same questions multiple times unless your strategy is to ensure consistency in answers. 

 9. Close each day with a wrap-up of next steps 

At the end of each day, provide a wrap-up of the next steps to ensure candidates are feeling comfortable and supported throughout the process. 

10. Provide honest feedback 

If you determine that a candidate is not a good fit, let them know as soon as possible with honesty. Additionally, proactively solicit honest feedback from applicants to continuously improve your white-glove experience. 

Incorporating these tips into your hiring process can help elevate your company’s hiring experience and make a lasting impression on potential team members.

Remember – the little details can make all the difference.