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Pay Transparency Soars - Protis Global

Written by Cristina Sacco | Oct 16, 2023 12:00:44 PM

Some 50% of Indeed job postings now include salary information as of August 2023.

In the ever-evolving world of job hunting, a significant transformation is taking place. Over the past three years, we’ve witnessed a remarkable shift in the way job postings are presented to job seekers. This transformation is driven by the rising tide of pay transparency, a movement that has gained momentum due to legislative changes across various states and localities.

In this blog post, we will delve into the nuances of pay transparency, its impact on the job market, and what the future holds for both job seekers and hiring brands.

The Power of Pay Transparency

In a world where information is readily available at our fingertips, it’s only natural that job seekers desire transparency when it comes to compensation. Pay transparency is all about providing potential team members with a clear understanding of what salary they can expect. This transparency empowers job seekers to make informed decisions, while also influencing the recruiting efforts of companies.

The Legislative Shift

One of the driving forces behind the surge in pay transparency is the wave of legislation sweeping across states and localities. These laws require employers to disclose estimated salary ranges for their job openings. The movement started with Colorado’s pioneering pay transparency law in 2021, inspiring six other states and several major jurisdictions to follow suit, including New York City, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Cincinnati, Ohio. New York State’s recent pay transparency law marked yet another significant milestone.

Empowering Job Seekers

The impact of these legislative changes is profound. Job seekers nationwide now have access to valuable salary data for companies. This newfound transparency enables them to gauge their potential earnings and make more informed career decisions. What’s more, it encourages companies to present themselves as attractive employers right from the start.

States and Metro Areas Embracing Pay Transparency

The adoption of pay transparency is not uniform across the United States. Some states and metro areas have embraced it more enthusiastically than others. Among the frontrunners are California, Washington, and New York, where job postings with salary information have seen the most significant uptick from August 2022 to 2023.

Silicon Valley’s Surge

Silicon Valley’s San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara region has experienced an astonishing increase in the inclusion of salary information in job postings. In August 2023, a staggering 73% of job postings in this area featured salary details, compared to just 30% the previous year. This surge reflects the tech-centric nature of the region, where competition for top talent is fierce.

New York’s Lag

While New York City has witnessed a notable increase in job postings with salary information, it lags behind its Western counterparts. In August, 58% of job openings in the city included salary details, reflecting a 27 percentage point surge from 2022. One key reason for this gap is the fact that the New York City metro area encompasses parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, which have yet to enact pay transparency legislation.

In the state of New York, 61% of job postings included salary information in August. This suggests that there’s still room for further growth, especially with statewide disclosure requirements that took effect on September 17, 2023. As the legislation continues to roll out, we can anticipate even greater transparency.

The Domino Effect on Remote Work Recruitment

The influence of pay transparency laws doesn’t stop at state borders. HR departments are adapting their practices to accommodate remote workers residing in states where disclosure is mandated. Vermont, for instance, has experienced a notable increase in job postings that include expected compensation, following the footsteps of California, Washington, and New York. 

The Value of Pay Transparency

An in-depth study conducted by Indeed involved 1,500 US residents, shedding light on the value of pay transparency as a recruitment tool. A striking three-quarters of respondents expressed a greater inclination to apply for a job when the salary range is provided in the posting. This data underscores the tangible benefits of pay transparency for both job seekers and employers. 

The Endurance of Pay Transparency

As we cross the 50% threshold of job postings including salary information, and as more of these laws come into full force, it’s clear that pay transparency is here to stay. Cory Stahle, an economist at Indeed Hiring Lab, expresses confidence in the enduring nature of this movement. The future promises even greater transparency and empowerment for job seekers.


In conclusion, the pay transparency revolution is reshaping the job market as we know it. Legislative changes, combined with the growing demand for transparency, are creating a more equitable and informed job-seeking experience. As this movement continues to gain momentum, both job seekers and hiring brands stand to benefit from a future filled with greater clarity and opportunity.