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How Job Seekers Can Assess Company Culture - Protis Global

Written by Cristina Sacco | Feb 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM

When job hunting, finding the perfect role goes beyond a company’s reputation or the allure of a job title.


One critical factor that often takes precedence is the company culture. The culture of a company can significantly impact your job satisfaction, professional growth, and overall well-being. So, how can you, as a job seeker, assess a strong culture and ensure it aligns with your values and career aspirations?

We have guided thousands of job seekers to find the role and company that best fits their life goals, resulting in a satisfying and rewarding experience. Here is how you can assess a company’s culture to determine if it aligns with your personal values.

Do Your Homework: Company Reviews and Insights

The digital age has given us a treasure trove of information at our fingertips. Take advantage of it.

Begin by scouring company reviews on platforms like Glassdoor, Indeed, or even LinkedIn. While reviews can be subjective, patterns and trends will emerge, giving you a sense of what current and past employees think about the company’s culture.

Pay attention to comments related to the average workload, leadership styles, and team camaraderie. If a company consistently receives positive feedback in these areas, it’s a good sign that the culture is likely robust and supportive.

Uncover the Core Values

Every company flaunts its core values like a badge of honor. But how do you determine if these values are more than just words on a website? Dig deep into the company’s mission statement and core values. If they resonate with you and align with your personal beliefs, it’s a positive indicator. However, don’t just stop at reading them. During the interview process, ask about specific instances where these values were demonstrated in the workplace. This will provide insights into whether the company actively upholds and integrates these values into its daily operations.

Ask the Right Questions During Interviews

Interviews are not just an opportunity for a potential employer to evaluate you; they’re also a chance for you to assess them. Craft thoughtful questions that go beyond the surface and dig into the intricacies of the workplace culture. For example:

  • Can you describe the team dynamics and collaboration within the organization? 
  • How does the company support professional development and growth for its employees? 

These questions can unveil critical aspects of the work environment and help you gauge if the culture is beneficial to your personal and professional aspirations.

The Personal Scorecard Approach

Consider creating a personal scorecard that outlines your non-negotiables and preferences. This scorecard can include factors such as your personal goals, career advancement opportunities, and financial goals. Assign a weight to each factor based on its importance to you.

 As you progress through the interview process, mentally or physically score each company against your personalized criteria. This systematic approach can help you objectively evaluate the alignment between your expectations and the company’s culture, making it easier to compare and contrast potential employers.

Look Beyond the Perks

While flexible work schedules, mental health benefits and generous leave are ways hiring brands used to entice prospective team members, they may not provide a comprehensive picture of a company’s culture. Look beyond the surface-level perks and focus on more substantial indicators.

  • Employee turnover rates: High turnover might indicate a lack of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the culture.
  • Communication channels: Evaluate how transparent and open the communication is within the organization. Is feedback encouraged and acknowledged?

Understanding these underlying aspects will give you a clearer understanding of the company’s commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive culture.

Seek Insights from Current and Former Employees

Network with current and former employees to gain valuable insights into the company’s culture. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for connecting with professionals who have firsthand experience with the organization. Ask about their experiences, challenges they faced, and what they appreciated about the company culture. These conversations can provide unfiltered perspectives that go beyond what official channels may reveal.

Trust Your Instincts

Finally, trust your instincts. If something feels off during the interview process or if the company’s responses don’t align with your expectations, take note. Your gut feeling can often be a reliable guide. If a company ticks all the boxes on paper but doesn’t resonate with you on a personal level, it might not be the right cultural fit.


In conclusion, assessing a company’s culture is a crucial step in finding a role that not only pays the bills but also brings satisfaction and fulfillment. By combining research, thoughtful questions, and a personalized scorecard approach, you can navigate the job market with a clearer understanding of the cultural landscape. Remember, your next career move is not just about finding a job; it’s about finding a cultural fit that propels you towards your professional and personal goals.